Bristol Rovers President’s 1883 Club
Membership of the Bristol Rovers President’s 1883 Club (The President’s 1883 Club) costs just £5 per month (or £60 per year).
Members can pay their subscriptions either monthly (£5) by standing order, or annually (£60) by standing order, direct debit, or cheque. The preferred method of receipt is by monthly standing order as this helps to reduce the burden of administration.
Membership is open to anyone over the age of 16.
There is no upper limit to the number of members of the President’s 1883 Club.
50% of all membership subscriptions will be paid as prizes to be drawn monthly and at Christmas.
50% of all membership subscriptions (plus interest earned, less incidental expenses incurred, less any tax liability that may be due) will be donated to specific appropriate projects that have been identified and authorised by the President’s 1883 Club Committee and agreed with the Football Club..
Membership of the President’s 1883 Club allows members to participate in a monthly draw that offers the following cash prizes:
A Grand Christmas draw of 10% of the years income.
A monthly draw of 3 prizes – 20%,15% and 5% of the months income unless membership is less than 500 in which case there will be one prize each month of 40% of the months income.
The monthly draws will take place during the half-time interval at the last home match each month during the season.
During the close season, the monthly draws will be deferred until the first month of the next season.
The monthly prize will be posted to the winner within three days of the draw.
The Grand Christmas Draw will be made at half time during a match over the Christmas period.
If the member is not at the match the cheque will be posted to the member within three days.
Members are only eligible to participate in the draw if payment of their subscription is up to date. Any member whose subscription is in arrears will not qualify for inclusion in the draw.
Only those members who join before 1 September are eligible to participate in the Grand Christmas Draw for that year.
The names of prize winners will be published online on the President’s 1883 Club website.
Each prize may be paid only to the owner of the winning number.
It is the responsibility of each member to ensure that the President’s 1883 Club has up to date contact details to ensure that winners can be paid quickly.
The table below indicates how membership numbers determine the potential funds that can be generated annually on behalf of BRFC:
Members | Monthly Income | Monthly Prize Money | Christmas Prize Money | Annually to BRFC |
200 | 1000 | 400 | 1200 | 6000* |
1000 | 5000 | 2000 | 6000 | 30000* |
2000 | 10000 | 4000 | 12000 | 60000* |
3000 | 15000 | 6000 | 18000 | 90000* |
5000 | 25000 | 10000 | 30000 | 150000* |
* plus interest earned, less incidental expenses incurred, less any tax liabilities.